wildlife removal services in Cartersville, GA

Do You Have Rats and Mice in Your Attic?

Schedule wildlife removal services today for your Cartersville, GA home

Are rodents infesting your home? Having wild animals infest your home can be a real danger to your home, and your family. Rats and mice enter your home searching for food and commonly hide in your cabinets and under appliances. Once they get inside your home and create a nest it can become more difficult to perform a complete wildlife removal and reverse the damage in the Cartersville, GA area.

If you think you might have an infestation, don’t wait any longer. Call our animal removal expert at Total Animal Control, LLC in the Cartersville, GA area today!

3 diseases rats and mice carry

Not only can they cause structural damage to your property, wild rats and mice can carry several diseases that can be passed to humans.


  • Plague - though it sounds outdated, the plague still kills people worldwide through animal infestations
  • Leptospirosis – or Weil's Disease, strands from the bacteria Leptospira, is carried by rodents and other wild animals. Weil’s Disease is passed through the contaminated rodent’s urine into our water and food or cuts in the skin.
  • Salmonellosis - this disease strands from Salmonella bacteria. This is commonly spread by not washing your hands after touching rodent droppings OR having rodent droppings contaminate your food.







Call the wildlife removal experts at Total Animal Control today in Cartersville, GA to ensure your family has a healthy home.


wildlife control in Cartersville, GA

Rodent Removal Services

While rats or mice may not be an issue when kept as pets, seeing one scurry across your living room floor may be one of the more disturbing sights you could see when you're not expecting it. Do you have a rat control issue and are in need of an animal control expert? Call us today to request a free inspection.

Rats are considered colony animals and it is not atypical of a colony numbering in the hundreds to occupy a structure. Rats will make their way into any space they can get into in order to make a home and a nest. They will live in walls, basements, attics, and crawl spaces. Once these animals have made their homes and their numbers grow, they can make a lot of noise and they scurry through your home.

A rat population can grow quickly because a single female can have up to 200 babies in her average 2-year lifespan. These animals do not have an established breeding season as they can reproduce year-round as females can go into estrus shortly after giving birth to a litter.

These animals can cause a lot of physical damage to a structure and the food in and around that structure. This damage can result in thousands, and possibly millions, of dollars in damage. One of the most dangerous parts or having a rat problem is all of the many diseases that these animals carry. They can spread typhus, hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, rat-bite fever, and a form of meningitis.

How Rats, Mice, And Any Other Rodents Can Affect Your Home

Mice, rats and the parasites they carry are a major health concern to humans. Parasites aside, these creatures play a large role in contributing to allergies and home damage. In fact, exposure to mouse allergens is a known cause of asthma in both adults and children.

Just because you do not see any rats or mice in your home does not mean they are not there. Mice and rats can live quietly and comfortably in your home for quite a while without detection. An estimated 21 million homes are infested with rats and mice each year - call Total Animal Control to avoid becoming a part of this statistic.

The Two Most Common Species

There are lots of different species of rats and all of them thrive in urban and suburban environments. The 2 most common species encountered in the Atlanta area are the roof rat and the Norway rat.

Roof Rats
The roof rat (Rattus rattus) is a species that is not native to the United States and it is also known as the Black rat. They tip the scales at around three-quarters of a pound (which is smaller than the Norway rat) and they are mostly found near the United States coastline. Their fur is a solid color and their tails are longer than their body and head combined. Their ears are also large enough to cover their eyes.

Norway Rat
Rattus norvegicus, or the Norway rat, is known by many names including the wharf rat, sewer rat, and the brown rat. These rats were stowaways that came to the United States on boats from Europe. These rats are now found all over the United States. They weigh around a pound and are a brownish-gray color with a whitish color on their belly. They have smaller ears than the roof rat and their tails are not as long as their bodies and heads.

Possible Damages They Can Cause

The Physical Damage
Like any rodent, rats have to constantly chew in order to keep their teeth healthy and sharp. This need will result in them chewing on soffits and fascia boards, wood, insulation, and even wiring. This chewing can result in such situations as water damage and even fire hazards from exposed wires. There can be a lot of things that will need fixing once you get rid of rats.
Insulation is another thing in a home that can be majorly damaged because of rats. This damage happens due to their nesting habits and their movements through the walls. The insulation will get matted down and compressed will compromise the energy efficiency of the structure. Professionals are aware of all the things that rats can damage and this is why their expertise is invaluable in a removal process.

Biohazardous Contaminants
The other major type of damage they will cause is due to the urine and feces they create. These droppings can create a nasty smell and can even lead to health risks like bacterial and fungal infections. These animals will also bring with them fleas and ticks that can spread disease as well.

The Mice and Rat Removal Process

The most successful removal process is comprised of trapping, habitat modification, and exclusion. Poison is not a successful way to go about it because of the periphery problems it can cause. Poison can leave dead rats in areas that you didn't know about and a rotting carcass can bring other animals and disease that can be dangerous, especially when you don't know it's there. It can also poison pets, other animals, and children.

The trapping will happen first and as the number of rats in the home begins to decrease, the entry points into the home can start to be sealed up. Any hole that is a half an inch or bigger needs to be sealed up. Also, possible food sources need to be modified so that the rats cannot get into them.

Successful rat removal is a multi-faceted process. It is best to bring in a trained professional because they are going to be able to identify all of the things and modifications that an owner needs to do in order to make sure that the rats are not able to return to the structure.

Our technicians have been highly trained to provide safe and humane removal of rats and mice as well as other wildlife from the homes and businesses in our community. We are proud to serve the Cartersville, GA area.

Choose Our Team Of Rodent Control Experts Today

Should you find yourself facing one mouse or an entire family of mice, it is time to call for help. Total Animal Control is your top choice in Georgia, Florida and Tennessee when it comes to rodent removal and rodent control, and we can help repair whatever damage they caused. Not only do we make repairs to the damage they cause, but we perform removal services and seal up the entry points so they do not come back! Reach out to Total Animal Control today for quick, easy mice control, wildlife removal and rodent removal. No job is too big or too small for our team. We look forward to serving you and allowing you to reclaim your home.